Lee Simms, Toby Batham, Jack Doran and Gianni Sabini all Crossed the finish line!

On Sunday 23rd April, over 48,000 people ran the 26.2-mile course to cross the finish line, the biggest London Marathon to date!

Tens of thousands of runners also managed to raise over £60 million for charity.

With some of those runners that participated including; Lee Simms, Toby Batham, Jack Doran and Gianni Sabini.

Lee Simms ran the marathon in support of Cancer Research UK, the world’s leading cancer charity dedicated to saving lives through research, influence and information. They support research into all aspects of cancer through the work of over 4,000 scientists, doctors and nurses. This pioneering work into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer has helped save millions of lives. Lee smashed his fundraising target of £3,000 and so far has reached £3,722! Click here to view his fundraising page.

“What an event, a truly memorable experience for all the right and wrong reasons! The support was absolutely amazing and so were the St Johns ambulance staff who I unfortunately had to spend an hour and 15 minutes with after hitting ‘The Wall’ after 23.5 miles. Thanks to their good work and the thought of all of the support I had I was able to resume the race and finished in 5 hours 9 mins. Not the time I wanted to do it in but by the end I was happy just to finish!

Saying that I have already signed up for next year!” – Lee Simms

Toby Batham and Jack Doran both finished the marathon together in 4 hours 35 minutes.

In support of their chosen charities, Toby running in support of Mind, the mental health charity working across England and Wales in support of those with mental health struggles, offering help and advice for those that maybe stressed, depressed or in a crisis. So far, Toby has raised £1,891 for Mind.

If you’d like to support this incredible charity, visit Toby’s fundraising page here.

Jack took on the challenge in support of Tommy’s, which funds medical research into the causes of premature birth, stillbirth and miscarriage, and provides an information service about health in pregnancy. Jack raised a total of £3,266 going way over his target of £2,000!

Learn more about Jack’s fundraising here.

“A simply brilliant experience and one I’ll never forget. The atmosphere was unlike anything I’ve experienced before and to be cheered on by our friends, family and the other 750,000 spectators whilst raising a load of money for our chosen charities made all the pain and training worth it! Said I’d never do it again on race day… by Monday I’d signed up for 2024!” – Jack Doran

Gianni Sabini, along with his friend completed the marathon in a whopping 3 hours 57 minutes. All in support of Cure Parkinson’s, the charity working towards finding new treatments to slow down, stop and reverse the effects of Parkinson’s disease. Gianni had the target of raising £2,500 for the charity but this went above and beyond with the total becoming £3,443.

View Gianni’s fund raising page here.

“The London Marathon was like something I’ve never experienced before. Seeing thousands of people, you don’t know cheering you on is quite extortionary, let alone your friends and family. Raising £7,922 with my best mate for Cure Parkinson’s has made all the aches and pains over the past couple of days’ worth it” – Gianni Sabini

Completing a marathon is no easy feat. It takes months of training, discipline, and hard work. Yet, they all rose to the challenge and pushed themselves to the limit, all while raising money for causes that make a real difference in people’s lives.

We’d like to congratulate each one of you for completing the marathon and fund raising an incredible amount of money for these worthy causes. It’s amazing to see the dedication and resilience that you all showed throughout the entire experience.

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