Synergy’s York office team get their lockdown tactics spot on to deliver desperately needed commercial funding solutions

Over the recent difficult lockdown period, many of the leading packaging firms either furloughed their staff or even worse, made them redundant.  It was a flawed tactic that inevitably left their portfolio of introducers and clients not only out of touch but effectively stranded.  At Synergy Commercial Finance, on the other hand, we bravely maintained our York-based packaging team totally intact and by doing so we ensured that we remained perfectly placed to continue to provide the vital commercial funding support service that so many firms all across the country were desperate to secure.

The Synergy York office personnel include: Mark Fox, Mel Harris, James Lee and Kate Pratt, and between them, they combine to create a highly experienced and super qualified packaging team that despite the present difficulties, has continued to secure the very best individually structured commercial funding opportunities throughout the entire lockdown period.

While other packaging firms had virtually ceased to be operational or found it almost impossible to effectively source the best funding terms. The Synergy York office packaging team continued to receive calls from a wide range of introducers including accountants, mortgage brokers, asset finance brokers and surveyors etc.

Moreover, thanks to our combined experience along with the unrivalled Synergy funding panel that now numbers in excess of 200 lending sources including High Street and specialist niche market funders. Our team was always able to secure the very best, most competitive commercial funding solutions for what has been a continuously growing list of clients.

Even those packaging firms who continued to operate throughout the lockdown, very often found it difficult to structure the most appropriate commercial funding packages because of company closures and extensive staff absences that have resulted in a serious lack of viable lending resources.

Some would say that without doubt it was a courageous move to maintain the York packaging team at full strength, but events have proved that at Synergy we got our tactics absolutely right.  Whilst we were able to continue to support our established introducers with what is undoubtedly an unbeatable commercial funding facility. At the same time we also had the established in-house skills and capacity. Required to assist a broad spread of what were previously unknown introducers by securing the very best commercial funding solutions for them.

If you are an introducer who is looking to secure unbeatable commercial funding support for your clients then you really must speak to the Synergy packaging team.  You can call us on 01904 481 786.    You can also email: or you can send a message using the online form on our Contact page.

AFS Group, Asset Finance Solutions & AFS Compliance
  • Greenbank Court, Challenge Way, Greenbank Business Park, Blackburn, BB1 5QB
  • Tel: 01254 958777
Synergy Commercial Finance
  • Unit 2, Foxoak Park, Common Road, York, YO19 5RZ
  • Tel: 01904 481786
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